
Sock Monkeys and The Tarantino Connection

First of all, I love this dress!!! -- If I had this dress I would probably wear it at least once a week and sleep in it the other days. Man, it just leaves me semi-speechless.

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OK, now that I've gotten that girly freak-out out of my system, next topic. Someone asked me recently why my life is so strange. Actually, people that know me, ask this a lot.

I know that I haven't posted enough here for folks to get the full measure of just how weird it gets in the world of Hella, but trust me, it's freaky. I told her that although I don't know the why of the weirdness, I do get the distinct feeling that my life is actually a remake of the "I Love Lucy" show, only I'm divorced and Quentin Tarantino is directing the whole thing.

If it can go wrong or weird, it will, without fail; usually both if it's at all possible. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm OK with that, but it's taken a long time. Take the Mr. Meth story for instance. I mean, come on, how many other people have had some random dude sitting in their car in the mini-mart parking lot? (And yes, I have learned my lesson, lock the doors even if it's just for a minute)

Admittedly, I would prefer a calm, quiet life with some guy that worships me and my critters. But I think any semi-normal man that met me would probably run screaming in the oppposite direction when he got his first glimpse of what an emotional bag of snakes/freak magnet I truly am. I wouldn't blame him either, I'd run if I could.

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