
"Frugal" Dating Tips?

I saw this online today and I was just amazed. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know that not everyone has a disposable income that allows for huge spending. But from now on, when some guy makes one of these suggestions, I’m going to wonder if he’s being romantic or if he’s just broke…

Of course, if a person is up front about things being tight, it might not be such a big deal. But this sounds like a list of cheap things to do without admitting that you’re broke.

You have found a possible soul mate, but now you are worried of the cost of the whole wooing process because you’re on a thrifty budget. Well, do not fret over it because there are alternative ideas. It is possible to date with little or no cash flow and it can allow you to be creative while having a frugally fun time.

  1. Do some star gazing at a local college observatory. It is open to the public during the school year and it’s absolutely free.  -- Even better, have your date meet you at your place (save on gas money!) then take a bottle of tap water & a dirty sheet out to the parking lot, you can watch the stars from there. Your date will love you for it.

  2. Feel one with nature. Have a picnic and explore a state or national park (admission is typically under $10 or free). -- Oh, and talk your date into bringing the food too so you don’t have to cough up for peanut butter and bread either.

  3. See a music laser show at a planetarium for around $6.00. -- And your date will completely love hanging out with stoned teenagers listening to Rush or Pink Floyd. God knows I do.

  4. Check out a poetry reading or other events at a bookstore. Sometimes snacks or beverages are provided. -- I can’t even begin to tell you how freaking wrong this is. First of all, I can only think of maybe three authors that I would have any interest in listening to. Second, I would expect to eat first. And if you expect me to fill up on bad coffee and crackers at the bookstore, don’t be surprised if I never answer the phone again from that moment forward. Because I won’t.

  5. Create a food themes night and cook each other a dinner and appetizer at home. -- This one isn’t too bad actually. But I swear, if the frugal one’s dinner includes ramen noodles, I am outta there.

  6. Check out local arts festivals, craft fairs, flea markets or antiques fairs. Admission is typically under $10. -- Make sure your date gives a damn about these kinds of things. I personally get a kick out of flea markets and swap meets (Unless of course my date says, “Make sure you’ve eaten before I pick you up!”), but I have some girlfriends that hate it.

  7. Attend a beer or wine tasting. At less than $10 each, you get more buzz for your buck! -- Or free beer nights at the local college bar, yep, that will really impress your date.

  8. Swing is back. Take a dance lesson and tear up the dance floor with the hottest moves. Often, the first lesson is free. -- You better learn EVERYTHING during that first lesson.

  9. Attend a student art show. Often the shows are free and refreshments follow. -- See my comment about the readings above.

  10. Rent your favorite movies or see an IMAX movie for under $10. -- Staying in to watch a movie is one of my favorite things to do, but only after the dating has been going on for a little while.
Original list from : http://www.lovedirectory.info/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say screw being frugal. If the dating goes well you'll be splitting the debt after you get hitched anyways! Think of it as 50% off :) Make sure you don't get a prenup that carries your debt solo.

Other dating tips: if you're so broke you can't afford to go out on a date, maybe you need to
a) pay off that crippling debt before you try to put on the moves
b) get off your lazy ass and get a job
c) get off your ambitionless ass and go for that promotion for assistant manager at micky-Ds