
Popping The Cherry

I have stories, lies, rants, and just random ideas that will appear here whenever I get the time to post.
Can't wait to see how it all works out.

First story...

The other night I ran to the mini mart down the street to pick up soda. When I got to the cooler in the back, I saw this skinny, very brown, very grey-haired older guy picking out random sodas and mumbling to himself. In the town I live in, this is not unusual (there is a lot of meth being produced here, or so I'm told), so I just went about my business. Keeping a safe distance in case he decided I was a giant meth addict eating spider.

Unfortunately, I moved too quickly because he was still at the register when I got up front, mumbling about the JonBenet guy to the cashier. Poor cashier, he looked disgusted and a little scared. (First rule of being a cashier at a mini mart, never show them fear.)

Mr. Meth finished mumbling, took his purchases and left. I paid, already forgetting about him and left as well. I was getting into my car when I saw something odd in the backseat. You guessed it, it was Mr. Meth. Right there in my car, looking totally content and ready to roll. Thankfully, I'm not so desperate for sex that I took him home with me. Instead, I asked him very nicely, about 5 times to get out of my car. Finally he did, and I went home. (maybe I should have gotten his number though, just in case)

I love my life. Even picking up soft drinks can become an adventure.

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